
ITPR Distinguished Seminar ITPR Distinguished Seminar

日期及時間: 2022年12月5日 早上10時至中午12時

地點:浸會大學逸夫校園永隆銀行商學大樓WLB 103室



在過去十年,以生物資訊學為基礎的科研方式,成為劃分細胞組織微環境內細胞間動態、複雜互動的機制,以及發掘新標靶點以作藥物重新定位和開發的新動力。創新、轉化及政策研究院(ITPR)於2022年12月5日邀請了來自休斯頓衛理公會醫院及威爾康奈爾醫學院的Stephen Wong教授以「從細胞間通訊的角度探討系統生物學和組學驅動的標靶識別和藥物開發(Systems Biology and Omics-driven Approaches for Target Identification and Drug Discovery: from the Perspective of Cell-cell Communication)」為題進行演講。

在浸大暫任首席創新總監劉樂庭教授致歡迎辭後,Stephen Wong教授概述有關多細胞系統生物學策略,如何公平、公正地以特定細胞、單細胞,以及空間轉錄組學、多重成像和多細胞交互作用模型來了解腫瘤微環境中潛在的細胞間通訊。他還分享了針對不同器官的腫瘤微環境的應用實例,來說明系統生物學模型在假設生成、腫瘤異質性劃分、標靶和藥物發現的應用,以及伸延探討其他疾病如阿爾茨海默氏症和特發性肺纖維化等範疇。是次的研討會吸引超過 70 名嘉賓出席,包括浸大校長高級顧問及創新、轉化及政策研究院顧問薛永恒先生、理學院副院長(跨學科發展)黃港住教授、Athenex首席執行官兼董事會主席劉耀南博士,以及來自生物學、化學、計算機科學和中醫藥等學科的研究人員和學生。研討會在取得富有成果的討論並圓滿結束。

講者簡介 (只有英文版本)

Stephen T.C. Wong, B.E.E.E. (hons), Ph.D. (Computer Science), P.E. (Electrical Engineering), FIEEE, FAIMBE, FAMIA, FAAIA, is John S. Dunn Sr. Presidential Distinguished Chair, founding Chair of Systems Medicine and Bioengineering Department, Director of the T.T. & W.F. Chao Center for BRAIN and Translational Biophotonics Laboratory, Chief of Medical Physics, and Associate Director of Neal Cancer Center, Houston Methodist Hospital.  He is a Professor of Radiology, Neurosciences, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of Cornell University. 

Professor Wong has over three decades of experience in academic medicine and tech industries. He was a Professor at UCSF and Harvard University, handling major medical information and imaging system initiatives, design and implementation at UCSF, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Stephen has served in leadership roles in major technology-driven companies including HP, Bell Labs, Philips Healthcare, and Charles Schwab, where his group produced an electronic trading platform. His laboratory investigates molecular mechanisms of cancer and neurodegeneration for translation to diagnostics and therapeutics.  He received senior executive education from Stanford University, MIT, and Columbia University.  He worked in Manila, Perth, Canberra, Singapore, Orlando, Tokyo, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Boston, and now Houston.  He dedicates the second half of his life in solving disease problems.