Developing Dendrobium Stilbenoids as Innovative Health Products for the Management of Skin Wellness, Lung Dysfunction and Fatty Liver Developing Dendrobium Stilbenoids as Innovative Health Products for the Management of Skin Wellness, Lung Dysfunction and Fatty Liver

Developing Dendrobium Stilbenoids as Innovative Health Products for the Management of Skin Wellness, Lung Dysfunction and Fatty Liver

The Current Challenges
  • Fibrosis is a pathological process that leads to the excessive accumulation of fibrous connective tissues in various organs. This abnormal tissue build-up leads to diminished organ functionality, increased morbidity, and elevated mortality rates.
  • Fibrosis can occur in various parts of the body, including the skin, as well as vital organs such as lung and liver. Health distortions and diseases related to fibrogenesis, such as pulmonary fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and skin aging, impact billions of people worldwide, exerting a significant strain on global healthcare systems.
  • Currently, there are no effective interventions or treatments to prevent or reverse fibrogenesis. The existing treatments merely offer symptomatic relief or decelerate disease progression.
Our Innovation and Breakthrough
  • Our team has made remarkable progress in understanding the pharmacological properties and decoding the substance basis in Dendrobium plants, a genus of orchids often known as “Shi Hu (石斛)” in Chinese.
  • The team has discovered the Dendrobium stilbenoid ingredients possess numerous health beneficial functions, and they have successfully launched a series of skin protection products to the market.
  • One notable benefit of the small molecule ingredients is their anti-fibrotic effects to relieve the muscle stiffness associated with organ fibrosis.
  • The breakthrough discovery of restoring organ fibrosis and combating aging functions offers patented innovative small molecules-based solutions with effective technical features at only 10% of original cost of noble Dendrobium materials.
Developing Dendrobium Stilbenoids as Innovative Health Products for the Management of Skin Wellness, Lung Dysfunction and Fatty Liver Developing Dendrobium Stilbenoids as Innovative Health Products for the Management of Skin Wellness, Lung Dysfunction and Fatty Liver
The Impact

The innovative technology harnesses the power of the essential ingredients of Chinese medicine "Shi Hu (石斛)" to effectively tackle fibrosis-related disorders, which holds enormous potential to positively impact billions of individuals in the world.

Team Leader

Professor Zhang Hongjie, Director and Professor, Teaching and Research Division, School of Chinese Medicine 

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