“By effectively leveraging on knowledge transfer, we would generate the thrust for the University to establish its leadership and impact in the community, and drive in resources for research and teaching”

Professor Terence LAU, Interim Chief Innovation Officer, HKBU

Where innovations and creativity intersect with the manifold nature of knowledge transfer

The Institute for Innovation, Translation and Policy Research (ITPR) of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) is committed to driving innovations, research and development (R&D), technology translation, and applications to enable HKBU to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities globally, nationally, as well as those under the aegis of the Hong Kong SAR Government’s top policy priority on innovation and technology development. We strive to bridge the gap in technology readiness between academic innovation and industry applications.

ITPR comprises three sections - Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Technology Translation, and Policy Research - each being instrumental in fostering a vibrant ecosystem at HKBU conducive to technology translation and collaborations. All-round business development, scientific, and policy research support will anchor HKBU’s robust and sustainable development.

Solution for a Better Tomorrow

Explore our collection of innovation cases that have the power to transform daily lives and shape the future we envision.

All-Scenario Rapid Testing Platform Against Antimicrobial Resistance
Nanoparticles-mediated Protein Signal Amplification Technology (NanoPAT) Brings Food Transparency to Consumers
Developing Dendrobium Stilbenoids as Innovative Health Products for the Management of Skin Wellness, Lung Dysfunction and Fatty Liver

Research Clusters

Creative Media/Practice
Health and Drug Discovery
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Humanities and Cultures