Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research 

Funded by the Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation, Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research (WJY ITCMR) is set to be a modern Chinese medicine development platform equipped with advanced research infrastructure, dedicated to translating research outcomes into clinical applications and commercialisation, to drive the standardisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine.

Located at Hong Kong Science Park, the Institute would focus on four specialised research areas: (1) Phenomics Research; (2) Smart Medical Device and Bioengineering Technology; (3) Herb-drug Interaction Analysis; and (4) Clinical Data Science, and provide support to drive their translation and commercialisation of research outcomes.

By leveraging cutting-edge equipment, information and intelligent database, diagnosis and prescriptions assisted by artificial intelligence, and personalised medical management systems, the Institute is committed to advancing smart Chinese medicine, fostering more interdisciplinary and cross-industry collaborations, and exploring cooperation opportunities between Guangdong and Hong Kong, with the aim to position Hong Kong as a modern and international hub for Chinese medicine for the betterment of society.

Know more about WJY ITCMR: https://wjyitcmr.hkbu.edu.hk/


Contact us

Address: 5/F, Building 6W, 6 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong

Email: itcmr_enquiry@hkbu.edu.hk

Tel.: (852) 3411 1212

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