HKBU receives representatives from Consulate Generals in Hong Kong for knowledge transfer exchange HKBU receives representatives from Consulate Generals in Hong Kong for knowledge transfer exchange

HKBU receives representatives from Consulate Generals in Hong Kong for knowledge transfer exchange

29 Nov, 2023

With the aim to foster global strategic alliances among the academia, industry, investors, government, and other stakeholders, ITPR has organised two networking sessions to invite representatives from various Consulate Generals in Hong Kong to visit HKBU campus and exchange ideas on fostering innovation and technology development and knowledge transfer.

During the visit, the guests toured the Visualization Research Centre and the Dr & Mrs Hung Hin Shiu Museum of Chinese Medicine, where they learnt more about the University's latest development in art technology and Chinese medicine. President and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Alexander Wai, Interim Chief Innovation Officer Prof. Terence Lau and Mr Tobby Fu, Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at ITPR also highlighted HKBU's advancement in research and technology translation.

HKBU is excited to collaborate with different countries to create a global, vibrant ecosystem that promotes transdisciplinary research collaborations, technology applications, and knowledge transfer.

Through international collaborative efforts, the University aims to expedite the translation of academic achievements into practical innovations for societal advancement.